Outline of the First Six Subjects

One of the areas I really pride myself in at Club V is education. To this end, I am developing a new type of newsletter that I hope all will find helpful in this journey of lifestyle preferences and choices. Each Memoir will focus on a particular topic of discussion, featuring some of my personal experiences and also offer links for additional education. The goal is to write and produce one approximately every other week to add to your “Club V Value” and your own lifestyle experiences!

Welcome to…

“Madame’s Memoirs”

The First Six Subjects:

Outline of Initial Memoir Topics:

Memoir Number One: First and Foremost…

The Fundamental Principles of Consent! 

Some common acronyms:

SSC - Safe, Sane and Consensual 

PRICK - Personal Responsibility Informed Consensual Kink

RACK - Risk Awareness Consensual Kink

And also Consensual Non-consent 

In our world of “scenes” and “play” and “swinging” the energies flow well in knowing that your personal space, physical body, mental health, etc. is of the utmost importance and will be honored and respected when interacting with others. It is vital that we educate ourselves on all of these, only then do you have the freedom to choose which meets your needs and interface respectfully with others within our community at events and in your private scenes and personal interactions with others.

Memoir Number Two:  Defining Preferences

What is Kink, Fetish, Swinging, Swinkster - Some Clarifying Definitions 

Whether your world is solely swing or kink, or a combination thereof, you may find yourself in situations involving both from time to time. Possibly you have not determined where your preferences are as of yet or need to better understand them in order to continue your growth and exploration. It’s good to be knowledgeable on the regular terms that are used to better understand them and the dynamics of various relationships in a variety of settings.

Memoir Number Three:  Your Legal Rights to Practice Your Preferences and Choices

What are your legal rights? What if you’re playing or having a scene and the law arrives to your front door? How do you deal with accusations from others? What do you or what can you say and what not to say. 

Memoir Number Four:  Whips, Paddles and Spankings…Oh My! 

It’s often called Impact play. Are you a hard bottom, a light or soft  bottom, are you a top, a sadist, a masochist? What is stingy or what is thuddy? How do you figure out what works for you? How do you begin incorporating this into your sexual experiences or do you keep them completely separate? 

Memoir Number Five: Fit to be Tied!

Let’s talk about restraints, ropes, wrist cuffs, ankle cuffs and various forms of predicament bondage and play…oh my! Safety tools that are necessary, things to think about prior to play, movement or lack of movement. With special care and prior thought this can be highly enjoyable or possibly not even your preference. You might also involve sexual or sensual play or none at all also your choice to make!

Memoir Number Six: Subspace, Domspace, and the Aftercare of Both.

These may be terms that you are completely unfamiliar with and may not even realize your responsibilities and the required knowledge in each of these subjects. Some require more and some require less aftercare, that is also between you and your other person to determine. Where does your mind go during a heavy scene or extreme play? Why do some find this therapeutic or even a necessity in their lives? Let’s try to wrap our heads around some of this, so you can explore within your own self.

And so we begin…

Ever So Sincerely, 

- Madame VIXXXIN 

The Best is Yet to Come! 

ps. The next email communication you receive will be the the very First of Madame’s Memoirs - The Fundamental Principles of Consent!

Personal Disclaimer…

…Again, these are only my own personal experiences, knowledge and explorations. Take from it what you will and add to it as well. I do not have a medical or legal degree, so realize this is all from my personal experiences and not meant to be in stone. Check with your legal system and doctor to make sure you are able and capable as well. Seek out what’s right for you! I am in hopes that this will help lead you on a path of exploration and knowledge to reach your own heightened lifestyle experiences!


First and Foremost: CONSENT!


“Introduction to Madame’s Memoirs”