Acknowledgments, Liability Waiver, Confidentiality Agreement, Terms and Conditions and Club Rules

We are glad that you have decided to join our private members only club. This is an exclusive private membership club for couples and singles interested in various lifestyle choices with the intention of meeting others with similar interests in a social setting without any pressure or obligations and where you are participating of your own free will.

By becoming a member you represent and warrant that you are at least 21 years of age, and have the right, authority, and capacity to enter into this agreement and to abide by all of its terms and conditions, without distress, under your own free will.

Also, if at any time you are in violation of any of these terms, rules, or conditions, you understand that your membership will be revoked and is non-refundable.


By joining Club VIXXXINS and Club VIXXXINS, LLC (Hereinafter the “Club(‘s)") I represent and warrant the following Terms & Conditions and will adhere to the following Club Rules:


I am aware and understand that Club events can be considered sexual in nature and offers various lifestyle choices and environments to see, learn and explore these avenues. I will not be offended in any way by the activities that other members may be engaging in. I also understand that I am not required to participate nor does entry into a club event guarantee any participation of such activities. 

I also understand that all Club Membership Dues or Event Fees associated with Club VIXXXINS and it’s events are non-refundable. My Memberships Dues will continue to renew based on my original application until membership is canceled through the Club VIXXXINS website by either myself the Club Member or Club VIXXXINS.

I will abide by the Club Rules at all times, which include:

Etiquette and Conduct:

NO always means NO! Members shall at all times conduct themselves according to commonly accepted etiquette and follow all posted rules. Uninvited physical contact will not be allowed. Do not touch toys, clothing, or bodies without specific permission from their owner. Don’t interact with others during a scene, watch quietly and politely from a distance. Do not shout or speak remarks towards those in a scene. Don’t kink shame anyone’s kink, their choice of dress, their preferences or identity choices, strictly not allowed here, ever! 

Dress Code:

We will strictly enforce dress code at all times. I understand that if I arrive in or change into regular street clothes or casual wear at any time, I will be asked to leave. It is important that we maintain the environment of Club VIXXXINS at all times, as this is a necessary part of the complete experience that all Club Members expect and look forward to!


Personal belongings should remain in my locked vehicle unless required during the event. While Club VIXXXINS will endeavor to protect my belongings and will provide security at all events, they are not responsible for any contents I may have left behind or items I may have left unattended at any Club events. Understand that we will do our best to return any and all items if found!

Camera Usage and Photography/Video Waiver:

Strictly no cameras or recording devices will be allowed in any play areas. Cell phones can only be used in the designated areas and in a courteous manner. The only photography allowed will be done by our on-duty designated event staff. We will provide photo booths/open photo areas or a professional photographer, when available, to allow for Member photos. I also herby agree and grant permission to Club VIXXXINS, it’s officers, agents, owners, employees, sponsors, subsidiaries permission to capture my image, own and copyright images, videotape and recordings, and may utilize for publications, web sites, brochures and any other form of advertisement or products and do herby release and hold harmless any liability or claim from the use of these. These may be utilized without further permissions or editing and you waive all claims for invasion of privacy rights. I further grant permission for Club VIXXXINS to modify, print, publish or distribute such images, recordings or video and waive any compensation, right to inspect or approve. However, please understand that Club VIXXXINS will make every effort to utilize available design tools to protect identities whenever possible.


Depending on the event, alcohol may or may not be sold within Club events, depending on liquor laws, statutes, and available licensing. I understand that I may bring my own alcohol to events, if specifically authorized for that location. However, I am required to take it directly to a bartender to pour my beverages for me. The Club will continue to monitor all members consumption to ensure a safe environment. Please have a Designated Driver or alternative transportation.


No solicitation of any kind allowed on the property of any event, unless specifically arranged and approved with Club VIXXXINS prior to the event. 

Negligent Behavior:

Rowdy or drunkenness behavior, or any other activity that could tarnish the reputation of the Club or is considered unsafe, will not be tolerated. We reserve the right to ask anyone to leave and/or revoke membership of any person who becomes obnoxious or unruly. This also includes engaging in 'pushy' behavior. I further agree to pay for any costs, expenses or damages I may have caused to any property of Club VIXXXINS, any venue property, or others Member’s property, due to any reckless or negligent behavior. 

Safety and Illegal Activities:

No illegal drugs or activities of any kind will be tolerated at our events. Anyone in possession of illegal drugs will be banned from the Club. No activities will be tolerated that are considered either unsafe or illegal. Highly experienced security with specific knowledge of kink activities and play will be present at all times to monitor each event and individual scenes. All security and management have final say and can end a scene at any time! All members are required to comply or risk revocation of Membership with dues non-refundable, if you choose non-compliance. Our security staff can be easily identified as those wearing a VIXXXINS Badge and Green Flashing Light, should you need help or have questions please ask. We will happily assist and provide answers.

Expected Conduct:

Understanding that it is necessary to respect the Club and it's events, as well as other members by showing good behavior, courtesy, personal hygiene, tidiness of play areas, safety and proper dress. Be considerate of play times and areas to allow other guests to enjoy them as well. Refusal to do so may result in entry refusal, sanction or expulsion at the absolute discretion of the Club management or security.

Breach of Membership Conditions:

I understand that Club VIXXXINS reserves the right to terminate my membership at any time without notice or prior warning. Membership also does not guarantee entry to any functions whatsoever, if I am in breach of these conditions. Breach of membership conditions is also cause for membership to be revoked immediately. Memberships and purchased tickets or Club items are also non-refundable.

Refusal of Admittance:

We reserve the right to refuse admission and membership to anyone without cause or explanation, as is the right of a legitimate private club. Members will also be prepared to provide identification documents upon entry to events to verify Membership Club status, confirm identification, and confirm age, as tickets are not transferable and are also non-refundable. If you do not have identification that matches your event ticket, you will not be allowed entrance.

Forced Majeure Clause:

I also understand that a Club VIXXXINS events at some point may be considered Forced Majeure, where Club VIXXXINS may not be able to host or provide an activity due to circumstances beyond its control. Club VIXXXINS will not be liable for any failure or delay in performing an obligation under this Agreement that is due to any of the following causes, to the extent beyond its reasonable control: acts of God, accident, riots, war, terrorist act, epidemic, pandemic, quarantine, civil commotion, breakdown of communication facilities, breakdown of web host, breakdown of internet service provider, natural catastrophes, governmental acts or omissions, changes in laws or regulations, national strikes, fire, explosion, generalized lack of availability of raw materials or energy. I also understand that all sales to Club Members, vendors, entertainers, artists, musicians, tables, or booths, are final and are non-refundable. If a Forced Majeure should happen, the activity or event will be rescheduled to a reasonable future date and all ticket holders and members notified.

Accident and Injury:

Club VIXXXINS does not accept responsibility for accident, injury or loss suffered while attending any of our Club events. By entering a Club VIXXXINS event, I agree that I am doing so at my own risk. I hereby waive any and all claims whatsoever that I may have and Club VIXXXINS shall not be liable for any such personal injury, death, disease or property loss due to intentional acts, negligence or breach of contract by Members and releases Club VIXXXINS, and its owners, their heirs, employees or volunteers, presenters, entertainment, invitees, agents, legal representatives, licensees and the owner of the facilities, homes, or venues and waives any and all claims or hereafter have against the club owners, their heirs, organizers, its directors, officers, agents, legal representatives, owners of the facility, presenters, entertainers, their homes, or venue locations and all employees or volunteers of such events and release and forever discharge the owners and organizers, presenters, and entertainers from all claims, demands, damages, actions or cause of actions arising or to arise by reason of the use of this property and my attendance at any Club VIXXXINS event.

COVID 19 and Other Infectious Diseases:

I also understand that COVID-19 has been declared an International Pandemic and that I assume all risk of possibly being exposed to such and or other infectious diseases, including sexual diseases, which can cause personal injury, illness or even death. I understand that Club VIXXXINS cannot guarantee that I will not be exposed or infected. I agree to this waiver and this release shall extend to the owners and organizers, its successors and assigns and is binding upon myself and my heirs, executors, legal representatives, successors and assigns and any other persons I may have brought with me.

Medical Release:

I also agree that if I am in need of medical attention during an event or as a result of a Club VIXXXINS event or activity, that I will be solely financially responsible for any and all costs incurred. I am also aware that Club VIXXXINS does not carry medical insurance and that I am responsible for my own medical coverage. I also give permission, should an emergency occur during an event, for emergency medical care to be provided to me at my expense.

Personal Use Only:

Our private club membership is for the “personal use” of individual Members no matter what their occupation and may not be used in connection with any commercial endeavors, organizations, government bodies, media organizations or companies, to include, law, news or media acting in a professional manner. 


Also by joining Club VIXXXINS you represent agree and warrant the following Confidentiality and Non-disclosure Agreement:


I agree to the terms of the Membership Agreement of Club VIXXXINS (Hereinafter the “Club(‘s)") in consideration of being allowed entry into the Club's events and further to participate in events, hereby covenants and agrees as follows:

1. I acknowledge that as a Member of Club VIXXXINS, I may be exposed to private information of the Club and its Members in various ways and simply by attending an event. Confidential and proprietary information shall be defined as any activity within any Club events, location of events, or information regarding the Club or any of its Members ("Confidential Information").

2. I further acknowledge that all such Confidential Information constitutes a valuable, special and unique asset of the Club. I covenant and agree not to disclose any information, give any report, photograph, videotape, record or otherwise provide any Confidential Information, or any part thereof, to any person, firm, corporation, association, reporter, news organization, or other entity for any reason whatsoever without the written express consent of the Club, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. The foregoing restrictions do not apply to any information that was or becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of breach of the Agreement; was available or becomes available on a non-confidential basis but only if the source of such information is not bound by the provisions of the Agreement or otherwise prohibited from transmitting the Confidential Information, was required by law to be disclosed or was independently acquired by myself.

3. If for some reason I become legally compelled or are otherwise lawfully required to disclose any Confidential Information, I shall use reasonable efforts to seek reliable assurance that Confidential Information will be provided with confidential treatment by those receiving the Confidential Information so disclosed.

4. I agree to all terms, rules, and conditions as provided herein and not to attempt to acquire or obtain any Confidential Information beyond the scope necessary to meet the objectives of the Club. I further understand that any violation of this Agreement shall result in the immediate revocation of my Membership in Club VIXXXINS and any membership fees are non-refundable.